Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fallen Sword Buffing and Potion Guide

This is a short guide you can use as a reference to search the auction house & find the potions you need so you can get cheap powerful buffs. You don't need to completely depend on the guild, more expensive potions, or other players to get these buffs. So use this freely as long as you're not bidding against me at the AH (auction house)! *wink*

From the start, here's some key buffs you should ALWAYS use (for xp). These all work together synergistically & make a huge impact on how much XP you gain (if you use ALL of them especially!). Missing one of them will prevent you from maximizing your XP. (offensive buffs are only critical if you're not 1-hitting & that's another subject, but I have also included them in what I've listed):

Critcal Skills for XP Gain
Adept Learner
Animal Magnetism

Critical Gold Gain Skills
Treasure Hunter

(Doubler will effect this too)

The auction house is your friend when it comes to buffs. New players don't realize there are many AH buffs you can get quite cheap if you're good at bidding on auctions and you're willing to spend some time. For each potion, just use the search function at the auction house with the text name of the potion, then sort by starting bid amount.

If you're using several potions get the BREWING MASTER buff from a guildmate; (or pay a buffer 10k) this skill TRIPLES the length of the potion timer at level 150. This will increase the duration of your potions (some only last 15 minutes!). The key here, is that you can be a level 5 player, using deathwish, animal magnetism, conserve, adept learner, librarian, you name it! So take a look at this list & start leveling faster!

---------------------------------- Critical Skills ----------------------------------
(listed in order of importance)
Doubler Skill
Potion of Experience: (sold by AH, 100 Gold) level 100 (2x)
Potion of Doubling: (sold by AH, 50k Doubler) level 450 (7x)
Accleration: (65k) level 500 (8x)
Doubler: (85k) level 750 (10x)

Adept Learner Skill (Max Modifier 20% w/ 100pts)
Potion of Learning (sold by AH, 100) lvl 125

Librarian Skill
Potion of the Scholar (sold by AH, 100) level 100)

Conserve Skill
Potion of Conservation (sold by AH, 2.4k) level 100 (Max. Modifier: 5% w/ 100pts) (e.g.4k)

Animal Magnetism Skill
Luring Potion (sold by AH, 100) Max. Modifier: 20% w/ 100pts (e.g.3k)

---------------------------------- Offensive Skills ----------------------------------
(listed in order of cost)
Wither Skill (start combat with enemy @ 50% HP)
Potion of Decay (sold by AH, 100) level 150
Potion of Fatality (sold by AH, 50k) level 350

Shatter Armor Skill
Potion of Shattering (sold by AH, 100) level 150 (7.5% to reduce armor 75%)

Deathwish Skill
Potion of Death (sold by AH, 100) level 125 (3.75% to instant kill)

Berserk Skill (only good with high base DMG, expensive)
Dragons Blood Potion (sold by AH, 100) level 200 (+40% base damage)

Dark Curse Skill (Important at Higher Levels)
Sludge Brew (sold by AH, 10k) level 200 (40% enemy def reduction)

Death Dealer Skill (expensive)
Potion of lesser death dealer (75k) level 25 (gain stats with each kill)

Enchant Weapon Skill (expensive)
Potion of Truth (500k, sold by AH 2.5k) level 1000 (wow!)

---------------------------------- Defensive Skills ----------------------------------
(listed in order of cost)
Spell Breaker Skill (pvp)
Breaker Potion (sold by AH, 100) level 125 (% to remove a buff from pvp opponent)

Sanctuary Skill (potion only skill, increase defense)
Potion of Lesser Sanctuary (sold by AH, 100) level 25
Potion of Sanctuary (sold by AH, 100) level 50 (25% to armor @ lvl 100) (sells @12k+)

Force Shield Skill (Also helpful for SE hunting)
Potion of Shielding (sold by AH, 100) level 200 (20% chance dmg vs you will equal 1)

Unbreakable Skill (prevent gear damage, good on crystaline items)
Potion of Unyielding (sold by AH 25k) level 100 (max level, 50%)
Potion of Indestructibility (3 fsp) level 200

Constitution Skill (expensive)
Heartfelt Stew (Sold by AH, 25k) level 250 (25% to defense)

Last Ditch Skill (Only good PVP, too expensive)
Potion of Final Strike (sold by AH, 25k) level 100 (not worth it)

---------------------------------- SE Hunting Skills ----------------------------------
Find Item Skill (an absolute MUST if you're killing an SE / Elite)
Runic Potion (Cheap Find Item Potion, 2500 sold by AH) lvl 250 (25% find item)
Potion of Greater Discovery (90k) (80% find item)
Potion of Supreme Luck (24k, sold by AH) lvl 1000 (100% find item!)

Super Elite Slayer (helpful for killing an SE)
Potion of the Slayer (70k to 1fsp) (lvl 125) (reduce SE dmg/atk/def by 25%)

Four Leaf Skill
Potion of Luck (sold by AH, 2.4k) level 200 (Max. Modifier: 10% w/ 100pts)

---------------------------------- Unavailable Skills ----------------------------------
(These are a few of the skills I could not find potions for)
(The only way to get these skills is to buy it from a buffer, learn it, or ask in guild & hope someone has it)
Treasure Hunter Skill (Max. Modifier: 5% w/ 100pts)

Merchant Skill (Max. Modifier: 5% w/ 100pts)

Empower Skill (Max. Modifier: 10% w/ 100pts)

Keen Edge

Brewing Master

***The max modifier comments are straight from the wiki. I have asked in chat, but no one has answered--is there truly a maximum effect on all these skills. I look forward to finding out soon....

Find Buffers
This is an ASP based buff tool:
Any buffs you can't get on this list or from a guildmate, can be purchased here:

Fallen Sword Wiki
This is the fallen sword wiki, you'll find changes & updates here. I think they will eventually add more potions for abilties like keen edge when the level cap increases/

I posted this publicly as well here:
FallenSword RPG - Play online now free!

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